For over a decade, Ceredigion Council has persistently failed in its duty to enforce and uphold dog breeding regulations and animal welfare legislation. These failings have resulted in the unnecessary and prolonged suffering of dogs and puppies.

C.A.R.I.A.D. and others have reported licensed and unlicensed puppy farmers of concern to Ceredigion Council for a decade. In all this time we've seen no sense of urgency about any of our concerns that dogs were suffering in these establishments.

Rhagor o fanylion

A number of Ceredigion's licensed dog breeding establishments have been exposed by the media as a result of eventual prosecutions for breaches of licensing conditions, operating illegally and/or causing serious welfare harm to animals in their care. These cases involved puppy farmers who were repeatedly reported to Ceredigion Council.

Welsh ministers may only intervene in the running of a council as a last resort and Local Authorities are independent statutory bodies responsible to their electorate and others for their actions or inactions. However, we have raised our concerns about the failings of Ceredigion Council to prevent animal suffering with Welsh Government officials for years.

C.A.R.I.A.D. now calls on the Welsh Government to intervene and place Ceredigion Council in special measures for persistent animal welfare failures. All responsibility for animal licensing and inspection by the Council should be suspended immediately and the findings of an inquiry be made public.

Pam gwrthodwyd y ddeiseb hon?

Mae’n ymwneud â rhywbeth nad yw’r Senedd na Llywodraeth Cymru yn gyfrifol amdano.

Mae’n rhaid i ddeisebau i’r Senedd alw am gamau gweithredu penodol sy’n dod o fewn pwerau’r Senedd neu Lywodraeth Cymru.

Gellir rhoi awdurdodau lleol mewn mesurau arbennig mewn amgylchiadau penodol sy'n ymwneud â gwasanaethau rheoledig y maent yn eu darparu, megis addysg neu wasanaethau cymdeithasol. Mae'r meysydd hyn yn cael eu rheoleiddio gan y cyrff rheoleiddio perthnasol.

Ar hyn o bryd nid oes unrhyw sail gyfreithiol y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru roi awdurdod lleol mewn mesurau arbennig ar sail ‘methiannau lles anifeiliaid’.

O ganlyniad, nid yw’n bosibl i’r Senedd gymryd y camau y mae eich deiseb yn galw amdanynt.

Dim ond deisebau nad ydynt yn bodloni’r safonau ar gyfer deisebau y byddwn yn eu gwrthod

Mae deisebau a wrthodwyd yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y cawsant eu cyflwyno ynddi