Deiseb a wrthodwyd Add the topic of 'Finances' to the school curriculum in Wales.

When do you learn about how to manage your money and finances in the real world?

Rhagor o fanylion

When do you learn about how to manage your money and finances in the real world?
I got myself in some difficult situations because I simply didn’t know how to manage my money or the impact certain financial decisions would have. Luckily for me, my mum was intuitive and had so much life experience that she was able to support me and teach me about all things finance. However, this isn’t the case for a lot of children and young adults, especially in more ‘deprived’ areas, e.g. my current hometown of Ely, Cardiff. Topics like buying a house, savings, credit rating, CCJs, current affairs / cost of living crisis are so important and yet you don't learn about them in school.
This is why I am petitioning to have these topics introduced into our school curriculum. Everyone deserves a chance to gain some knowledge on these topics before they leave school and most importantly they deserve a chance to reach their potential regardless of where they live or what influence they have around them.

Pam gwrthodwyd y ddeiseb hon?

Allwn ni ddim cyhoeddi deisebau sy’n gofyn am rywbeth sy’n digwydd yn barod neu rywbeth sydd wedi’i gyhoeddi ers i chi ddechrau eich deiseb. Rydym ni’n credu bod y Llywodraeth neu’r Senedd eisoes yn gweithredu ar yr hyn sydd yn eich deiseb chi. Os ydych chi eisiau rhywbeth arall, gallech chi ddechrau deiseb newydd sy’n nodi’n glir beth yw hynny.

Mae'r Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru yn canolbwyntio ar lythrennedd ariannol. Ymdrinnir ag ef yn y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad ‘Mathemateg a Rhifedd’ ac fel rhan o sgil trawsgwricwlaidd ‘Rhifedd’.

Mae disgrifiadau o ddysgu yn y canllawiau statudol, sy’n nodi manylion yr hyn y disgwylir i’r disgybl fod wedi’i ddysgu ar gamau dilyniant gwahanol.

Dim ond deisebau nad ydynt yn bodloni’r safonau ar gyfer deisebau y byddwn yn eu gwrthod

Mae deisebau a wrthodwyd yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y cawsant eu cyflwyno ynddi