Deiseb a wrthodwyd Call for an immediate Welsh Government election

With one fiasco after another, this Labour led Welsh Government has continually let the people of Wales down.
The final straw being the introduction of a ridiculous blanket 20mph speed limit across the whole country.
The diabolical NHS management, emergency service cuts and red tape and Now they are about to approve another 36 senedd members at a cost of around £17m a year. That's almost £500k each member
Enough is enough and I call for Drakeford to resign immediately and a general election.

Rhagor o fanylion

How much more are the people of Wales supposed to take from this incompetence.
We're a hard working, proud nation of good people who are being continously told what to do, when to do it and where where!
This politicians are supposed to enact the will of the people not do what THEY think is best.
That's not democracy, that's dictatorship.
We, deserve better than the pathetic leadership shown in the last few years here in Wales, in fact, we DEMAND better.
We want to be represented by our peers, those that are a part of our community, not the out of touch fools we currently have.

Pam gwrthodwyd y ddeiseb hon?

Mae deiseb yn bodoli eisoes ar y mater hwn. Ni allwn dderbyn deiseb newydd os oes un yn bodoli eisoes ar fater tebyg iawn, neu os yw’r Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi ystyried deiseb debyg yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf.

Dim ond deisebau nad ydynt yn bodloni’r safonau ar gyfer deisebau y byddwn yn eu gwrthod

Mae deisebau a wrthodwyd yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y cawsant eu cyflwyno ynddi