Deiseb a wrthodwyd increase the speed limit from 20mph back to 30mph while keeping school zones 20mph

Every single citizen of Wales is outraged that we are forced by another country and government to abide by this ridicules change from 30mph to 20mph all road which are currently 20mph should be 30mph except for school roads and the Welsh government should stop oppressing its citizens by ignoring there cry for change that are always rejected

Rhagor o fanylion

the Welsh government stated that having a 20mph limit increased safety when in reality it didn't, it increased vehicle damage from accelerating and decelerating its caused more clutch wear, it increased congestion and it has made people focus more on the speedometer than the road and most importantly it has slowed the flow of traffic thereby affecting the economy and the working class so as a representative of the Welsh people give us our voice back

Pam gwrthodwyd y ddeiseb hon?

Mae deiseb yn bodoli eisoes ar y mater hwn. Ni allwn dderbyn deiseb newydd os oes un yn bodoli eisoes ar fater tebyg iawn, neu os yw’r Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi ystyried deiseb debyg yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf.

Dim ond deisebau nad ydynt yn bodloni’r safonau ar gyfer deisebau y byddwn yn eu gwrthod

Mae deisebau a wrthodwyd yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y cawsant eu cyflwyno ynddi