Deiseb a wrthodwyd Support the kennels and cattery's of Wales

The pet boarding industry has been severely hit by the pandemic and have seen customer numbers fall to zero. Many establishments don't meet the criteria for the current financial help available.
Under normal circumstances they are successful business' providing a valuable service and hundreds of jobs throughout Wales. Many have kept their doors open to help key workers and those requiring hospitalization with some running at a loss to do so.
They need financial support to help them survive.

Rhagor o fanylion

If we allow these business to fail hundreds of jobs will be lost and many owners and their families will lose their homes.

Despite the obvious problems council's have continued to charge licensing fees, with some council's even increasing those fees for 2021.

Losing these businesses will have a knock on affect for the tourism sector with many pet owner being unable to find suitable accommodation for their pets while they are away. Those that are lucky enough to get a place will face increased charges as demand will massively outweigh supply.

Pam gwrthodwyd y ddeiseb hon?

Nid yw’n glir beth mae’r ddeiseb yn gofyn i’r Senedd neu Lywodraeth Cymru ei wneud. Mae angen i ddeisebau alw ar y Senedd neu’r Llywodraeth i gymryd camau penodol.

Nid yw'n glir o'r ddeiseb pam nad yw cytiau cŵn a chathod wedi gallu derbyn cymorth ariannol o dan gynlluniau cymorth presennol na beth fyddai angen ei newid i gyflawni nodau eich deiseb. Gallech geisio cyflwyno deiseb newydd gyda mwy o fanylion ynghylch pam nad yw'r busnesau hyn wedi gallu cael cymorth ariannol.

Mae sawl deiseb mewn perthynas â gwahanol agweddau ar y gefnogaeth ariannol sydd ar gael i fusnesau yn ystod y pandemig, ac ni allwn gyhoeddi deisebau sy'n galw am yr un weithred neu gamau tebyg iawn i ddeisebau eraill.

Efallai yr hoffech gefnogi deisebau sy'n bodoli eisoes ar faterion tebyg:

Grantiau ar gyfer cwmnïau cyfyngedig a hepgorwyd o gymorth yn sgil COVID-19

Neu gallwch ddilyn trafodaethau'r Pwyllgor Deisebau am y ddeiseb ganlynol:

Ymestyn grantiau ar unwaith i fusnesau bach yng Nghymru nad ydynt yn cael eu cynnwys yn y Rhyddhad Ardrethi Busnesau Bach

Dim ond deisebau nad ydynt yn bodloni’r safonau ar gyfer deisebau y byddwn yn eu gwrthod

Mae deisebau a wrthodwyd yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn yr iaith y cawsant eu cyflwyno ynddi