Rhestrau eraill o ddeisebau
Deisebau a wrthodwyd
Nid oedd y deisebau hyn yn bodloni’r safonau ar gyfer deisebau. Fe’u cyhoeddir yn yr iaith y cawsant eu cyflwyno ynddi.
Gallwch weld deisebau a wrthodwyd cyn mis Mai 2020 yma.
813 deiseb
Cadwch faes parcio traeth Ynyslas ar agor.
Pause "digital voice" rollout in communities where power cuts would lead to incommunicado
Please urge Cardiff Bus to restore the late night bus service from the Wmc to City Centre
Senedd members to take a pay cut to help fund the national museum in Cardiff.
TV license fee.
Dylid gwahardd gwisg ysgol ym mhob ysgol
Dylid gweithredu ar frys i wella amseroedd ymateb ar unwaith Gasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru.
Gwnewch Ebrill 7fed yn ddiwrnod i gofio hil-laddiad 1994 yn erbyn y Tutsi yn Rwanda yng Nghymru
Gwyliau ysgol byrrach ar gyfer plant ag anghenion ychwanegol
Stop the changes to Denbighshires refuse operations.
Give school children free bus passes
Defend Our Right to Call the English Bastards
Stop the £1600 payment to immigrants with immediate effect
Creu ynni o’r digonedd o ddŵr sydd gennym
Crown HRH Prince William at an investiture ceremony as The Prince of Wales.
Estyn Unedau Cyfeirio Disgyblion i gynnwys darpariaeth chweched dosbarth
Hold a referendum on building the M4 Relief Road.
Sbarduno’r broses o gyflwyno band eang ffeibr a gwella’r gwasanaeth 4G ledled Cymru i hyrwyddo gofal iechyd digidol
Gostwng y terfyn cyflymder o 50mya i 40mya, ar hyd yr A483 wrth deithio drwy Crossway a Hawy.
Whitchurch, Rhiwbina, Llanishen villages - save the free parking to save our local villages
Stop geoengineering in the skies over Wales
Dylid cyflwyno profion arferol ar gyfer Strep B ym mhob menyw feichiog ledled Cymru.
Force councils to make their CEOs take a pay cut and give up bonuses instead of council tax rises
Save & Restore the Colcot Sports Centre & Buttrills Fields in Barry
Etholiad cyffredinol awtomatig os yw'r blaid sydd mewn grym yn newid ei harweinydd ac felly'n newid y Prif Weinidog yng nghanol tymor.
Darparu trafnidiaeth ysgol am ddim i bob disgybl
Protect small schools from closure. Keep Rhydri Primary School open
Diogelu cyllid ar gyfer darpariaeth amgen/addysg heblaw yn yr ysgol i blant sy'n methu â chael mynediad i'r ysgol
Gwneud gwiriadau Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd manylach yn orfodol i bob cyngor tref a phob cynghorydd ledled Cymru
A Welsh assembly election.
Lleihau elfen lafar y cymhwyster TGAU Cymraeg ar gyfer disgyblion â mudandod dethol
Shared Parental Leave and Pay due to Perinatal Mental Illness, NICU and Baby loss for all parents.
Remove 50mph limits on M4 a470 and other arterial routes as listed below around Wales .
Galluogi trigolion Cymru i gael mynediad at lwybr diagnosis "Hawl i Ddewis" y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol ar gyfer ADHD
Dylid grymuso Meddygon i ragnodi meddyginiaeth (ADHD) i blant sydd ar restrau aros hir
Debate reduced speed limits on the M4 for pollution purposes, now the M1 and M6 have removed theirs.
Introduce recall petitions for suspended Senedd members.
Reform Divorce Court Law that Financially Reward Domestic Violence Perpetrators
Have a Referendum on more senedd members cost 100k and to stop the closed list for senedd elections
Create a national English language television channel for Wales
Create a national English-language television channel for Wales
Introduce a bank holiday to celebrate St David, the patron saint of Wales.
Hold open debate reflecting public opinion on implementing assisted dying for life limiting illness
Stop the Labour headed Welsh Government hairbrained ideas
Abolish mandatory GCSE Welsh exams in schools.
Torri’r gyllideb newid hinsawdd a’i defnyddio ar gyfer y broblemau go iawn y mae’r wlad yn eu hwynebu
Stopio rhoi arian i SUSTRANS a’i ddefnyddio ar gyfer elusennau sy’n ei haeddu’n fwy
Cyflwyno gofyniad statudol i awdurdodau lleol gludo plant i ysgolion Cyfrwng Cymraeg
Stop making financial cuts to children's Education and wellbeing.
Make Welsh Baccalaureate an optional course in A Level